Professional Engineering Practice Experience
Renovation of the Los Angeles Coliseum ( Under construction, EOR: Nabih Youssef Associates)
3D nonlinear response history analysis and design of a new structure using steel buckling restrained braced frames

The New Long Beach Civic Center (Constructed, EOR: Nabih Youssef Associates)
Consulting on the 3D nonlinear response history analysis and the performance based seismic design of RC core-wall building to achieve prompt re-occupancy and control earthquake-induced damage at the 10% in 50 years earthquake event.

High-rise RC Buildings (EOR: Nabih Youssef Associates)
Nonlinear seismic analysis
Performance-based seismic design
Modeling of nonlinear SSI

The Gayley at Wilshire, Los Angeles
Nonlinear seismic analysis
Performance-based seismic design
30000 nonlinear elements model in ETABS
Modeling of nonlinear behavior of slabs

Hills at Vallco (EOR: Nabih Youssef Associates)
30 acres new mixed-use town center and an integrated rooftop park
3D nonlinear response history analysis
Design development using seismic isolation

ETABS Ultimate nonlinear model including seismic isolation
Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of Buildings Using Nonlinear Response History Analysis
6922 Hollywood Blvd
9460 Wilshire Blvd
USC Vivian Hall
Peer Reviews and Planchecks
(1) Main Bowl of the Hollywood Park Stadium (Plancheck)
(2) Academy Museum of Motion Pictures (seismically isolated) Los Angeles, CA
(3) 970 Denny Way, 40-story RC tower, Seattle, WA; (3) APEX II, 28-story RC tower, Los Angeles, CA
(4) Potala Tower, 41-story RC tower, Seattle, WA
(5) 15th and Island, two 45-story RC towers, San Diego, CA
(6) California Science Center, Seismic Isolation of a Supporting Structure of a Space Shuttle
(7) Seismic Retrofit of NPI UCLA Building