Lecture 1
Seismic Hazard, Ground Motions, and Structural Damage
at Near-fault Sites
2 hours prerecorded, 1 hour discussion

The lecture starts with reviewing the fundamentals of earthquake shallow-fault-rupture-process and the basis of seismic design at near-fault sites according to ASCE 7-10 code provisions as well as according to performance-based guidelines. The fault characteristics and the seismic hazard of the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle are compared. The lecture discusses the fault rupture process, ground motion and spectral characteristics as well as the near-fault earthquake damage occurred in six earthquakes: Christchurch-2011-M6.3, Imperial Valley-1979-M6.5, Northridge-1994-M6.7, Kobe-1995-M6.9, Loma Prieta-1989-M6.9, Chi-Chi-1999-M7.6. The engineering characterization of 49 near-fault pulse-type ground motions recorded in eleven earthquakes is presented in detail including the characteristics of strong pulses and how these affect spectral properties and seismic hazard.
Seismic hazard of large cities near major faults
Relation between fault characteristics and seismic hazard​
Engineering characterization of near-fault pulse-like ground motions
Shallow fault rupture process and structural damage in recent earthquakes